Lighten Fabric with Colour Remover
Colour Remover is used before dyeing to lighten dark fabrics and/or improve dyeing results. You can also use it to lighten the existing colour for a totally new look (dark blue jeans can be turned many shades lighter) without dyeing.
As a bonus feature, some stains may be removed after a lightening treatment. Results vary; there are few remote cases where colour cannot be removed from a home process. When lightening aim for a creamy ivory or warm winter white colour. Black or navy fabric won't suddenly turn snow-white, but could change enough to dye a lighter colour -- for a totally new look.

Hand vs. Machine Lightening
Stovetop lightening may get darker fabric to an ivory, cream, off-white or warm white base colour (results vary due to fabric type, technique and time in solution). The stovetop is a little more involved than using a machine because you simmer & agitate fabric.
Some appreciate the lighter results of using the hand method; others prefer the convenience of the machine. Use the lightening method that appeals to you the most -- lighten as many times as you want.

One box of Colour Remover lightens 1-pound (454 grams) of fabric. Always follow the garment care labels when choosing water temperature and adjust if necessary.
Lightening times may vary from a few minutes to well over the 20-40 minute average. It all depends on technique and fabric content. Special finishes can impact lightening. Prints may, or may not lighten.
How to Lighten Fabric Using Colour Remover:
In just a few steps creative and exciting new looks can be created just by lightening the fabric with Colour Remover.
- Start with clean fabric (wash & rinse before)
- Dissolve the required amount of powder with hot water (follow the garment care label to choose the best water temperature)
- After the powder is completely dissolved, place the wet fabric in prepared hot water
- Ensure lightening solution covers all fabric for an even lightening result***
- Agitate the fabric until desired lightness has been achieved
- When you are happy with the lighter colour, rinse completely, then wash/dry as usual
***Fabric covered in solution will lighten, fabric not in solution will stay original colour -- create abstract designs by not covering fabric completely with solution
More detailed product instructions are found in the dyeing techniques section of our website.