Dyeing Paper & Crafting
In minutes you can create custom designed Mother’s Day cards, beautiful scrapbook paper or gift tags using Tintex Fabric Dye.
Dyeing Cards & Envelopes
Fabric dye may be used like watercolours to create a beautiful card or envelope that will be appreciated by someone special on any occasion. This fun fabric dye craft is suitable for beginners; all the materials are probably already in your home

- Tintex Fabric Dye
- Rubbing Alcohol
- White (or light coloured) paper cards, gift tags or scrapbook paper
- Mixing container (glass, stainless steel, plastic etc.)
- Measuring spoon & measuring cup
- Plastic cover for work surface
- Rubber gloves
- Cotton swab or Q-Tip
- Paper towels (optional)
- Paint Brush (optional)
- Hairdryer (optional)
Project Instructions:
- Protect work area with plastic and wear gloves to avoid staining hands.
- Mix 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol with 1 tablespoon of Tintex Fabric Dye. Create a custom shade by mixing different amounts of 2-3 colours together. Brighter or darker colours will use more dye; pastels will use less dye. Get creative and experiment with different intensities.
- After the powder is dissolved pour the solution into a small bowl
- Test ink on a scrap of paper towel. After you are satisfied with the colour use a Q-Tip cotton swab (or try a brush, sponge or gloved finger/thumb) to create designs on your paper.
- Lay paper flat and air-dry (or use a hair dryer on the cool setting to speed up the drying process).
- Clean up work area with soap and water or bleach if needed.
- After paper is dry, add a personal message to your mom.
- Tintex is not a food grade product; do not use the same dyeing container for cooking food or drinking water.
- Plain paper cards & envelopes
- Tintex fabric dye
- Microwave
- Paper towels
- Scissors
- Plastic workstation cover & plastic or rubber gloves
- Measuring cup
- paint brush or foam applicator
- Spray bottle (optional)
- Glitter (optional)
- Dyed wood buttons (optional)
- Glue (optional)
- Cover your work station to ensure that it does not come into contact with the dye
- Cut your paper to the desired shape/size, and determine where the fold line will go
- Prepare dye(s) by adding approximately 1 tablespoon of dye to 1 cup of very hot water, mixing well until dissolved
Transfer dye solution:
- Place dye solution into a measuring cup if you want to apply dye using a drizzling technique
- Place dye solution into a spray bottle if you want to spray dye onto the paper
- Place dye solution into a container if you wish to paint/stencil it onto the paper
Design/decorate your card by applying your dye:
- By painting it onto your card with a paintbrush;
- By drizzling it onto your card directly from a measuring cup
- By flicking it onto your card with a strong-bristled paintbrush
- By dripping it onto your card using either the measuring cup or paintbrush
- By spraying it onto your card using a spray bottle
- When you have applied the desired amount of dye to your card, place it in the microwave on top of some paper towels for 1 minute or until completely dried
- Remove excess dye from the card by running cold water over the areas to which the dye was applied, let paper dry
- Optional - finish decorating by writing a personalized message or by gluing glitter, dyed buttons, ribbons, etc...
Dyeing Scrapbook Paper 
Scrapbooking is a fun and creative way to preserve the most precious memories while you create your own colourful & unique pages and cut-outs. Fabric dye is used to create one of a kind piece of artwork.
- Watercolour paper
- Tintex fabric dye
- Microwave
- Paper towels
- Scissors
- Glue
- Workstation protective plastic cover & plastic or rubber gloves
- Paint brush
- Spray bottle (optional)
- Measuring cup
- other decorations to add to your card: stencils, buttons, ribbon, etc…(optional)
- Cover your work station to ensure that it does not come into contact with the dye
- Cut your paper to the desired shape/size
- Prepare dye(s) by adding approximately 1 tablespoon of dye to 1 cup of very hot water, mixing well until dissolved
Transfer dye solution:
- Place dye solution into a measuring cup if you want to apply dye using a drizzling technique
- Place dye solution into a spray bottle if you want to spray dye onto the paper
- Place dye solution into a container if you wish to paint/stencil it onto the paper
Design/decorate your scrapbooking paper by applying your dye:
- By painting it onto the paper with a paintbrush;
- By drizzling it onto the paper directly from a measuring cup
- By flicking it onto the paper with a strong-bristled paintbrush
- By dripping it onto the paper using either the measuring cup or paintbrush
- By spraying it onto the paper using a spray bottle
- When you have applied the desired amount of dye to your card, place it in the microwave on top of some paper towels for 1 minute or until completely dried
- Remove excess dye from the card by running cold water over the areas to which the dye was applied, let paper dry
- Optional - decorate by writing a personalized message or glue additional decorations like buttons or ribbons...
Dyeing Paper Book Covers 
Create customizable book covers that will match any traditional or contemporary home, it is a simple and affordable way to make your collection look great. Your favourite fabric dye colour is used to match your space.
- Watercolour paper (we recommend the 140lb type)
- Tintex fabric dye
- Paper towels
- Scissors
- Plastic workstation cover & rubber or plastic gloves
- Paint brush
- Stencil
- Stencil pen (optional)
- permanent marker (optional)
- tape or glue
- Cut your watercolour paper to match the selected book’s dimensions
- The paper covers the entire back cover and book spine and 3 - 4 inches inside both the front and back covers
- Set up your workstation with a plastic cover, put on gloves.
- Prepare a dye bath by adding 1 tablespoon of dye to 1 cup of very hot water, mixing well until dissolved, (custom colours can be mixed)
- Apply dye solution evenly to the paper using a paint brush
- Allow the dyed paper to dry
- When dried, gently bend the paper so it loosely assumes the shapes of the book’s outer cover
- Pull the paper tightly against the book, pulling excess paper on both sides into the inside cover of the book to tape them into place
- Using your stencil and writing utensil, write the name of the book and its author’s name down the spine of the book as well as on the front cover