Mix New Shades with Core Tintex Dye Colours
Our 17 dye colours range from neutrals to vibrant shades that can be combined to make brand new colours. Just like with markers or paint, adding another colour to the original changes everything.
You can make tones of new colours by mixing one or more core Tintex dyes together. Existing colour and fabric content may change you recipe results. White or ivory cotton fabric will always dye closest to box colour. Other washable fabric (nylon, silk, rayon, wool) may get intensities lighter or darker than the norm. Test all new colours on a paper towel or like fabric; adjust recipe as needed.

5 Tips for Mixing New Colours:
- Completely dissolve 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1 or 2 teaspoon(s) or tablespoons(s) of selected dye(s) in 1 cup of hot water (ex: dissolve 2 tsp scarlet red, 1 tsp royal blue, and 1 tsp purple for hot pink).
- Cut a 12" x 12" swatch of your fabric or use a light coloured paper towel to test your dye colour.
- A small amount of dye (1/8 tsp) mixed with 1 cup of hot water makes light colours.
- Get brighter or darker colours by using double usual amount of fabric dye powder for your fabric type/weight. Always use the hottest water possible for your fabric (140°F is preferred) and keep in dye bath for an extended period of time (ex: scarlet red or black).
- Add brilliant yellow or tan beige for a warm tone; add midnight blue, charcoal grey or black for a cool tone.
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